Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

Easter Wishes from Luke! I spent a good part of the day trying to get Luke to fit in this basket and smile for me. First we tried outside the church at lunch bunch as I thought the flowers and grass would make a nice backdrop. But Luke did not want to smile and the weather was not so great. Next we tried a couple different poses and backdrops inside. I think Luke got a little perplexed as to why his moma kept trying to stuff him in a basket. Getting him to balance was another story. Understandably, he got a little frustrated as evidenced by the following picture...
..."Somebody get me outta here!" Funny how he is still cute even when he is crying. I love my sweet boy so much. Today at church he started belly laughing out of nowhere and made everyone around him laugh too. I don't think there is anything sweeter than a babe's giggle. Pure joy!

1 comment:

Reagan said...

Luke looks just like you in the first picture. What a sweet little boy!