Saturday, May 15, 2010

December 2009

December was another month of travels. Stacey and Luke had gone to DC again to help out with Granddad who had just had knee surgery. They arrived just in time to be trapped in the city due to record breaking snow storms

Luke’s foot apparel clearly demonstrates how unanticipated this weather was.

Eventually Dad made it down too; and all was right in the world.

The trip was made all the more fun with the arrival of the Larsen clan. Good news, we love cousins

Now, lets move on to what this month is all about. The presents:


Other People's presents

Best Toys Ever!

The Loot

Thanks to Nana, Luke got 2 Christmases. When we got back to New York, there was a box of presents that had come in the mail while the boy was away.

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